無鹽牛油 Unsalted Butter ................................. 50克
麵粒粉 Flour ...................................................... 40克
洋蔥,切碎 Onion, Diced ............................................ 60克
韮蔥(白色部份),切碎 Leek, White part only, Diced .... 60克
西芹頭(根部),切碎 Celery Root, Diced .............. 200克
西芹莖 Celery Stalk ...................................... 60克
熱雞湯 Chicken Stock (heated up) ................... 1.5公升
35% 牛乳 Cream ................................... 120毫升
獨活草葉 Lovage .................................... 1塊
黑胡椒碎 Black Peppercorn, cracked
月桂葉碎 Dried Bay leaves, cracked ................. 各適量
Wash, peel and dice the celery.
Melt butter in a large sauce pan. Add vegetables.
Sweat vegetables for a few minutes.
Add flour to make aromatic roux.
Cook until the mixture clumps together (around 1 minute).
Let it cool down a bit.
Add in hot chicken stock gradually.
Stir the mixture while adding the stock.
Bring to a boil, turn down to simmer and add spice bag.
Stir frequently.
Simmer for 30-40 minutes.
Disgard spice bag and strain.
Pour into a sauce pan, add 35% cream and bring it to a boil.
Add the chopped lovage and adjust seasoning.
Serve with Bénédictin Cheese Croûtons.
4 則留言:
Please explain the spice bag. I understand the spices, but what about the bag? Something made with cheese cloth? Something I can buy or have to improvise?
AC from CA
You use a 5 in by 5 inch piece or so of cheese cloth, then lay the spices. (Order doesn't matter, but you will have to break up the bay leaves.) Then gather the corners and twist closed. Tie butcher twine tightly around the twist with a tight knot. Cut the twine, leaving a nice 20 inch tail, and trim the excess cheese cloth.
You use the spice bag like a tea bag, except that you tie it to the pot handle.
Thanks Greg! I couldn't get a chessecloth (well, didn't bother to anyway), so I used "煲魚湯袋" instead--it worked well, and you don't need to cut the twine and cheesecloth. Better yet, you can reuse the whole thing!
Thanks, guys!
AC from CA