2008年4月29日 星期二



最近多倫多的天氣乍暖還寒,最宜吃一些可以暖暖身體、去濕熱,味道又不太濃郁的食物。天小姐提意試試泰式綠咖哩,我覺得很不錯。泰國的咖哩有紅(加了紅辣椒 , 紅椒粉)、黃(加了薑黃粉)、綠(全選青色的材料..青辣椒 , 咖哩葉 , 青胡椒)三種,當中以綠咖哩最為辛辣。比較起印度咖哩,泰式咖哩味道清新,沒那麼濃郁。那是因為他們用了很多新鮮的香草,譬如南薑、香茅、檸檬葉、泰國羅勒、蒜頭、青檸汁等等。由於泰國咖哩是從印度咖哩演變而來的關係,所以不少得加入印度香料如小茴香子(cumin seeds)、芫荽子(coriander seeds)等等,但一般用量不多,所以泰式咖哩雖然可以很辣,但所維持的時間沒有印度咖哩那樣持久。提到小茴香子和芫荽子,這兩種香料都有健胃的作用。另外泰式咖哩質感一般比較稀,那是因為烹調的時間比較短,不像印度咖哩用燉煮的方法一樣長時間。




芫荽子(coriander seeds)6湯匙
小茴香子(cumin seeds)3湯匙
泰國小青辣椒切碎 24隻或適量
紅蔥頭切碎(shallot) 6隻
蒜頭切碎 12瓣
南薑切碎(galangal) 4湯匙
香茅切碎 6條
鮮檸檬葉(kaffir lime leaves) 6片
芫荽切碎 適量
泰國蝦糕(shrimp paste) 6湯匙
清水 適量

做法很簡單,只要把芫荽子、小茴香子、和黑胡椒粒用平底鍋烘培至有香氣,然後打磨成粉。再加入其他材料,用食物處理機(food processor)一同攪混成醬便成了。

2007年12月1日 星期六


I always believe that making a good meal is the connecting link in celebrating the time we spend with family and friends. A good dish ties not only flavor, texture, aroma together, blending with juices and spices, and decorating with colorful garnishes, it also brings together family and friends, by the pleasant aroma infusing the house during the cooking process, and the warmth from baking or from the stove top, together with the chatting over the counter discussing different cooking methods and ingredients.

Cooking has its mysterious power, especially at this time of the year when we are surrounded by our loved ones.

Tonight I tried baking this Raisin-Pecan Celebration Bread. Although it takes a long time, it's well worth it. The aroma of the fermenting dough escaped from a saran wrapped bowl unwind our busy minds. Seeing the dough doubling in size is always dramatic and entertaining--it's difficult to comprehend what those little yeast can do to the dough, releasing all the flavor and moisture during their very short life cycle.

The sweet and savor scent during the baking process always bring warmth to entire family, especially during this cold afternoon on the first day of December.

Unbleached bread flour, 3 cups
Sugar, 3 tbps
Salt, 3/4 tsp
Active Dry Yeast, 3 1/2 tsp
Lemon Zest, finely chopped, 2 tbsp
Large eggs, slightly beaten, 2
Milk, any kind at room temperature, 1/2 cup
Unsalted butter, melted, 2 tbsp
Water, room temperature, 1/4 to 1/2 cup
Raisins, 1 1/2 cups
Pecans, coarsely chopped, 1 cup
1 egg, whisked, for egg wash

1. Stir together the flour, sugar, salt, and yeast in a large bowl. Add the lemon zest, eggs, milk, and butter. Slowly adding just enough water to make a soft, pliable ball of dough.
2. Sprinkle flour on the counter and transfer the dough to the counter. Knead for about 5 minutes, or until the dough is slightly tacky, not not sticky. Then gently knead in the raisins and pecans, a little at a time, and keep kneading for 2 minutes, or until they are evenly distributed. Cover the bowl with saran wrap.
3. Ferment at room temperature for about 2 hours, or until the dough doubles in size.
4. Transfer the dough to the counter and divide into 3 pieces of 10 ounces each and 3 pieces of 4 ounces each. Set them aside for resting, for a bout 30 minutes. Then carefully shape the dough into long strips of equal length and size. Braid the large strands and small strands separately. Put the large braid on top of a baking sheet, and then center the small braid on top of the large one. Brush the entire assembly with egg wash.
5. Proof uncovered at room temperature for about 90 minutes, or until the dough nearly doubles in size. Brush the loaf a second time with egg wash.
6. Preheat oven to 325'F, with the oven rack on the middle shelf.
7. Bake for approximately 25 minutes, or until the loaf is a deep golden brown.
8. Remove the bread from the pan and transfer it to a cooling rack. Allow the bread to cool for at least 1 hour before serving.

2007年11月17日 星期六


Many people do not have good impression on chicken breast, since most of the time the meat is overcooked and loses its tenderness, especially during baking or pan-frying. The problem can easily be avoided by poaching, one of the moist heating methods that allows easy access to the meat to check internal temperature.

Poaching is usually done by using a small amount of liquid that is hot but not boiling. The temperature is set to about 71'C to 82'C (160'F to 180'F). In order to cook the meat throughly, cover the meat with greased parchment paper, or a pot lid if you want to save some work. However, using a pot lid creates steaming effects that will shorten the cooking time and should be noted.

How can you tell when the chicken is done? The best way is to use a cooking thermometer and if the thickest part of the meat reads 175'F you can turn of the heat. Using other methods, including experience, will usually ruin the meat.

The stuffed spinach and pine nuts match the chicken perfectly, and they provide extra juice and oil to keep the meat moist. the vegetables provide good source of vitamins and minerals that help keeping your heart in good condition!

Chicken Breasts, boneless, 2
Shallots, 30g
Butter, 60g
Flour, 20g
Chicken Stock, 250ml
White Wine, 100ml
35% Cream, 100ml
Tarragon, fresh, 5 sprigs
Spice Bag (parsley stalks, thyme, bay leaf, crushed black peppercorns)

Spinach, 1 bunch
Garlic, 1 clove
Olive Oil, 30ml
Pine Nuts, toasted, 30g
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat olive oil in a saute pan, then add garlic and pine nuts.
2. Add spinach and cook for 45 seconds until it becomes soft.
3. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Let the spinach cool off. If you want to prepare this ahead of time, put it to the fridge.
5. Use a sharp knife and open a pocket in the chicken breast.
6. Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
7. After the spinach is cooled off, squeeze out excess liquid and stuff it to the chicken breast. Pack it tight but do not break the pocket.
8. Secure with a wooden skewer.
9. Melt 30g of butter in saute pan and add the breast, skin side down.
10. Remove chicken breast and excess oil when the skin is lightly browned.
11. Turn down the heat and add shallots. Cook for a few minutes and do not brown the shallots.
12. Add white wine, stock, spice bag, and chicken breast (this time skin side up).
13. Cover with buttered parchment paper (or a lid).
14. Bring the liquid to a boil then reduce the temperature to poach the chicken. Check the internal temperature of the thickest part of the meat, if it reaches 175'F then turn off the heat and remove it from the pan. Set the meat aside.
15. To make the sauce, add cream to the liquid and stir well.
16. Turn on the heat and bring the mixture to boil.
17. Dissolve flour in cold water, then add it to the boiling liquid. Turn down the heat and keep stirring.
18. Taste test the sauce and adjust the consistency as needed.
19. Add freshly chopped tarragon and turn off the heat.
20. Remove the skillet and the skin from the chicken breast.
21. Slice thickly and plate the meat.
22. Serve with the finished sauce.

2007年10月21日 星期日




這道菜用了「球子甘藍」(brussel sprout)。它是一種非常有營養的食材。單是一杯的份量已有足夠一天的維生素C。



另外的材枓是鹽漬鱈魚(salt cod)。煮前要用清水把鱈魚浸透24小時,其間要換水數次,以保持魚的新鮮。






Recently my friend complained that I used too much butter in my dishes that scared my friend away. In fact butter has only 30mg of cholesterol, far less than the 300mg daily limit recommended by FDA. Besides, butter provides a lot of body and flavour to the dish. So why skipping it?

That said, I still want to keep my friend, and myself, a bit healthier. So here it comes something that does not need extra oil.

I used brussel sprout in this dish. This vegetable is high in Vitamin K and Vitamin C, and one cup of brussel sprout provides more than enough of Vitamin C for daily consumption.

When washing brussel sprout, soak it under salted cold water to allow small inscets to come out from within the leaves. After rinsing, cut the bottom brown part out while keeping the entire sprout as a whole. And then make a cross cut at the bottom. This allows an even cooking throughout the sprout, and can keep more sauce inside the sprout.

The other ingredient is salt cod fish. To gain the delicious flavour of the cod, it has to be soaked in clean cold water at least 24 hours before use. Rinse and replace with clean water for a few times while soaking to keep the fish fresh.

If you can find good quality Chinese ham, prepare some fine dices for decoration.

Braised Brussel Sprout with Salt Cod and Premium Chinese Ham

Brussel sprout, 200g
Slat cod, 100g
Chiense ham, diced, enough for decoration

1. Put the brussel sprout into a sauce pan. Add cold water and salt. Bring it to a boil.
2. Take out the brussel sprout and keep it in cold water.
3. Slice the soaked salt cod.
4. Place the cod, brussel sprout, ham on a baking pan or a glass pie plate.
5. Pour in consommé to cover up to 1/3 of the brussel sprout.
6. Bake under 375F for 20 minutes.

2007年10月17日 星期三






這個餡餅很容易做,只要隨意找些蔬菜(這次用了洋蔥、紫色馬鈴薯、無花果、蘆筍),用橄欖油略炒後調味,加入兩顆雞蛋拌勻至剛熟,放進小盤中。再於表面上放上已煮熟的蔬菜作為裝飾。放進烤箱內烤熱(broil)一分鐘,令表面有少許焦黃,灑上香草(如龍艾 Tarragon)即成。蔬菜部分也可用蕃茄,青椒等代替。

Omelet "Flat" with figs, purple potato, asparagus, bacon, and onion

I didn't have a good impression about eggs: when I grew up having an "egg" in a test or exam will ensure a long "torture" from parents, and now as a grown up its cholesterol content scared me a way for while.

Granted, egg yolk contains 70% of expert-recommended cholesterol daily intake. And this omelet uses two eggs so I can imagine this recipe will scare some people away.

However the nutrients we get from egg yolk are far more than a lot of meat, while its calorie content is only 70 for a large egg.

For those health minded people they may think of using egg whites only. Unfortunately that will sacrifice a lot of flavour, as well as nutrients. Oh well, a few eggs in a week wouldn't be threatening to most people.

To make this omlete, gather the following ingredients (4 servings):
Onion, finely chopped .......... 1 small
Purple potato, small slices .... 1 small
Asparagus .............................. 12 stalks
Fresh fig, sliced ...................... 2
Large sized egg ...................... 8

1. On a hot pan add 2 table spoons of olive oil.
2. Sweat the vegetables until the onions are soft and transluscent.
3. Drop in the eggs and quickly mix them together with the vegetables.
4. Cook until the mixture is slightly set.
5. Transfer the mixture to creme brulee ramekins (I used a 5" wide, 1" deep).
6. Garnish with cooked vegetables.
7. Put it into an oven and broil on high heat for around 1 minute. This should create a nice golden yellow color. You may need to brown more depending on the power of your oven.
8. Serve hot.

There is a lot of variations to this dish, as you can change the vegetables according to your preference. For example, you can use tomatoes, green peppers, and olives and you'll have a Spanish style omelete.

2007年10月16日 星期二


今天在學校煮海鮮。 我們把鮭魚起肉後,它的骨和頭便要丟掉。對於中國人來說,魚頭是十分美味的。於是我二話不說,便跟 Chef 要了魚頭。她聽到有人要廢物利用,十分高興。





而豆豉則令整道菜更野味。鮭魚頭可用其他濃味多油的魚代替,如海鱸(Sea Bass)等。

Steamed Salmon Fish Head with Roma Tomato in Preserved Black Bean Sauce with Steamed and Deep Fried Minced Garlic

In today's class we cooked fish, and there were a couple of fish heads left for the trash. Since my parents and I love those stuffs (well, I guess it's common for Asian to eat anything, including heads and bones), I picked up a head and some fatty belly for free!

Here's the receipe:

Head of salmon, Fresh ......... 1
Roma tomato ....................... 3
Garlic, minced .................... 3, minced
Preserved black beans ......... 10 g
Basil leaves, small ........... a few
Salt and cracked black pepper conrns to taste

1. Gut, wash and clean the head. Cut it into large pieces (large enough for one bite). Drain out excess water and set aside.
2. Rince and soak the preserved balck beans in cold water.
3. Take half of the minced garlic and deep fry it at 375'F until golden brown (about 30 seconds).
4. Dice and seed the tomatoes. Keep the skin on for more flavour.
5. Mix the fish head pieces with the rest of uncooked garlic mince, preserved black beans, and tomato dices. Season with a pinch of salt and ground black peppercorns. (Do not put too much salt since the preserved black beans are salty).
6. Steam the fish head for 8 minutes, or until well done.
7. Sprinkle the deep fried mince garlic, and garnish with a few small basil leaves (or chopped chives).
8. Serve hot.

The reason for the deep fried minced garlic to add extra color and texture, while the garlic steamed with the fish provides flavour. The tartness of tomato dice remove some of the oily feel of salmon head. Adding preserved balck beans greatly improve the flavour of the dish.

2007年10月15日 星期一





2007年10月14日 星期日


Cream of Celery and Celeriac with Lovage

無鹽牛油 Unsalted Butter ................................. 50克
麵粒粉 Flour ...................................................... 40克
洋蔥,切碎 Onion, Diced ............................................ 60克
韮蔥(白色部份),切碎 Leek, White part only, Diced .... 60克
西芹頭(根部),切碎 Celery Root, Diced .............. 200克
西芹莖 Celery Stalk ...................................... 60克
熱雞湯 Chicken Stock (heated up) ................... 1.5公升
35% 牛乳 Cream ................................... 120毫升
獨活草葉 Lovage .................................... 1塊

黑胡椒碎 Black Peppercorn, cracked
月桂葉碎 Dried Bay leaves, cracked ................. 各適量

Wash, peel and dice the celery.
Melt butter in a large sauce pan. Add vegetables.
Sweat vegetables for a few minutes.
Add flour to make aromatic roux.
Cook until the mixture clumps together (around 1 minute).
Let it cool down a bit.
Add in hot chicken stock gradually.
Stir the mixture while adding the stock.
Bring to a boil, turn down to simmer and add spice bag.
Stir frequently.
Simmer for 30-40 minutes.
Disgard spice bag and strain.
Pour into a sauce pan, add 35% cream and bring it to a boil.
Add the chopped lovage and adjust seasoning.
Serve with Bénédictin Cheese Croûtons.

2007年10月13日 星期六






Vegetable beef soup
This soup is easy to make: 3 small potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, 2 tomatoes, 1 beet, and 1 onion. Cut vegetable into big pieces, and put them into boiled browned beef stock (you can use chicken stock or plain water as well). Bring it to a boil and then simmer for 45 minutes. Put in parsley leaves at the end of the cooking process to enchance the flavour.


Garlic Chives Scrambled Egg
Stir fry chopped bacons under medium heat to release its oil (but do not let them burned). Remove excess oil and add chopped garlic chives, and stir fry until soft. Add enough eggs to cover all garlic chives (slightly mix the eggs) and turn down the heat. Cook until the eggs solidify at the bottom while there is still liquid on the top. Fold the mixture into half and plate it.

Be careful when seasoning, since the bacon is already salted. Also do not stir to mix the eggs vigourously, since this will release water during the cooking process.

秋天是根莖類植物的當令季節,所以這道菜所選的都是時令產品,不但甜美,而且價錢便宜。當中的材料其實不用那麼考究。我所選的蔬菜有黃蕪菁(Yellow Turnip)、粗根芹菜 (Celery Root)、紅蘿蔔、蒜頭、紅蔥頭(Shallot)、防風草根(Parsnip)等。切成大塊,混合橄欖油、鹽、黑胡椒碎、新鮮百里香葉碎。用375度F(190度C)焗至蔬菜變軟(約45~60分鐘,視乎大小而定。)即成。切勿把蔬菜焗得太乾身,不時地攪拌可使油充分塗抹在表面上。

Roasted Root Vegetables
This is a peasant style dish, and you can adjust your choice of vegetables that are in season. I used yellow turnips, celery roots, carrots, garlics, shallots, parsnip, and baby beets. Roughly cut all vegetables into large pieces of about the same size, mix with olive oil, salt, cracked balck peppercorn, and chopped fresh thyme leaves. Put the vegetables into a roasting pan and bake under 375F (190C) until the vegetables become soft (around 45-60 minutes, depending on the size). Do not over cook it since the vegetables will become bitter if they are too browned. Also stir occasionally to keep them coated with oil during the process.


Ginger Milk
This is served as a dessert. Ground ginger and get its juice (about 1 tbsp) and put it into a serving bowl. Heat up around 250ml whole milk to 70-80'C (160-180'F). Mix milk with ginger juice and stir slightly. Let it stands for a minute until the mixture solidifies. Serve with sugar/syrup to taste.

2007年10月11日 星期四



 蕃茄的葉一度被認為有毒,不可以吃。可是有研究說,蕃茄的葉其實有一種物質,名叫 「tomatine」,可幫助身體減低吸收膽固醇。蕃茄葉也可以增加湯的鮮味,所以在煮湯最後半小時可加數片蕃茄葉。


 罐頭蕃茄要選沒有 「calcium chloride」的,因會令蕃茄變得很難溶化。


Purée of Tomato Soup (Brown Stock Base)

 無鹽奶油 unsalted butter ……………………… 50公克
 煙肉 bacon ……………………………………… 25公克
 洋蔥切粒 onion dice ………………………… 100 公克
 紅蘿蔔切粒 carrot dice ……………………… 80 公克
 西洋芹切粒 celery stalk dice ……………… 60 公克
 蕃茄切粒 tomato dice ……………………… 100 公克
 罐頭蕃茄 canned tomato …………………… 250 公克
 牛骨湯 browned beef stock ………………… 1 公升
 35% 鮮奶油 35% cream …………………… 100毫升
 九層塔 basil ……………………………………… 適量

  百里香 thyme
  月桂葉碎 bay leaves
  奧勒岡草 oregano
  洋芫荽莖 fresh parsley stalks
  碎黑胡椒 cracked black peppercorn …………… 各適量

 1. 於湯鍋中把奶油溶掉後,加入煙肉和蔬菜。中火略煮至洋蔥半誘明。
  Melt butter in a deep pan. Add bacon and vegetables and sweat.
  Add tomato and hot stock. Stir to a simmer and then add the spice bag.
  Cook for an hour. Stir and skim as needed.
  Puree in a blender and pass through a strainer.
  Put the liquid back to the pan and season to taste.
  Garnish with basil cream and serve.