要湯清,全靠雞蛋白 Clarifying agent。原理是,蛋白受熱凝固上升,連帶其他的東西也帶走。最後成為一層厚厚的東西,像木筏一樣,浮在表面上。
Poultry Consommé "Brunoise"
雞蛋白 egg white ............................................ 6 隻
火雞碎肉 ground turkey ............................... 300 公克
洋蔥 onion ................................................... 80 公克
紅蘿蔔 carrot ................................................ 80 公克
西洋芹 celery stalk ....................................... 80 公克
韭蔥 leeks ................................................... 60 公克
番茄 tomato ................................................... 2 個
冷凍上等雞湯 chicken stock ........................... 3 公升
燒焦洋蔥 Onion Brûlée .................................... 1/2 個
鹽 salt ............................................................ 適量
月桂葉(揑碎)bay leave .............................. 適量
百里香 thyme ............................................... 適量
黑胡椒碎 cracked black peppercorn ............... 適量
莞茜莖 parsley stem ..................................... 適量
1. 番茄去皮,去籽,切成細粒。
Remove skin and seeds from the tomatoes. Brunoise it.
2. 洋蔥、紅蘿蔔、西芹、韭蔥切成細粒(Brunoise),放進不銹鋼鍋中。
Brunoise onion, carrot, celery stalk, and leek. Place them into a stainless steel bowl.
3. 加入雞蛋白、火雞碎肉、番茄、鹽。拌勻後放在鍋內。
Mix in egg white, ground turkey, tomato, and salt.
Whisk well and put the mixture into a stock pot.
4. 倒入一半雞湯,拌勻後再放入餘下的雞湯。
Add half of the chicken stock. Mix well, and add the rest of the stock.
5. 加入燒焦洋蔥及香料袋。
Add onion brûlée and spice bag.
6. 燒滾湯後,改中火。間中攪拌,直至蛋白開始凝固上升後便立刻改最慢火。

Turn on high heat and bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring occasionally.
Stop stirring when the raft starts forming and the meat loses its raw appearance.
7. 煲湯一個小時。其間切勿攪動。
Reduce heat and simmer for approximately one hour.
Turn off heat and allow raft to settle for five minutes.
8. 用杓子小心把湯勺出,再用紗布(cheesecloth)過濾。
With a ladle, remove the centre of the raft. Fill the ladle with consommé
and carefully pour through a fine strainer lined with rinsed cheesecloth (4-layers).
9. 去油後調味,便成美味的清雞湯!
Remove all fat and adjust salt to taste.

1. Brunoise 要切得細才容易跟蛋白上升。
2. 番茄帶酸,令蛋白更容易凝固。