2007年10月13日 星期六






Vegetable beef soup
This soup is easy to make: 3 small potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, 2 tomatoes, 1 beet, and 1 onion. Cut vegetable into big pieces, and put them into boiled browned beef stock (you can use chicken stock or plain water as well). Bring it to a boil and then simmer for 45 minutes. Put in parsley leaves at the end of the cooking process to enchance the flavour.


Garlic Chives Scrambled Egg
Stir fry chopped bacons under medium heat to release its oil (but do not let them burned). Remove excess oil and add chopped garlic chives, and stir fry until soft. Add enough eggs to cover all garlic chives (slightly mix the eggs) and turn down the heat. Cook until the eggs solidify at the bottom while there is still liquid on the top. Fold the mixture into half and plate it.

Be careful when seasoning, since the bacon is already salted. Also do not stir to mix the eggs vigourously, since this will release water during the cooking process.

秋天是根莖類植物的當令季節,所以這道菜所選的都是時令產品,不但甜美,而且價錢便宜。當中的材料其實不用那麼考究。我所選的蔬菜有黃蕪菁(Yellow Turnip)、粗根芹菜 (Celery Root)、紅蘿蔔、蒜頭、紅蔥頭(Shallot)、防風草根(Parsnip)等。切成大塊,混合橄欖油、鹽、黑胡椒碎、新鮮百里香葉碎。用375度F(190度C)焗至蔬菜變軟(約45~60分鐘,視乎大小而定。)即成。切勿把蔬菜焗得太乾身,不時地攪拌可使油充分塗抹在表面上。

Roasted Root Vegetables
This is a peasant style dish, and you can adjust your choice of vegetables that are in season. I used yellow turnips, celery roots, carrots, garlics, shallots, parsnip, and baby beets. Roughly cut all vegetables into large pieces of about the same size, mix with olive oil, salt, cracked balck peppercorn, and chopped fresh thyme leaves. Put the vegetables into a roasting pan and bake under 375F (190C) until the vegetables become soft (around 45-60 minutes, depending on the size). Do not over cook it since the vegetables will become bitter if they are too browned. Also stir occasionally to keep them coated with oil during the process.


Ginger Milk
This is served as a dessert. Ground ginger and get its juice (about 1 tbsp) and put it into a serving bowl. Heat up around 250ml whole milk to 70-80'C (160-180'F). Mix milk with ginger juice and stir slightly. Let it stands for a minute until the mixture solidifies. Serve with sugar/syrup to taste.

2007年10月11日 星期四



 蕃茄的葉一度被認為有毒,不可以吃。可是有研究說,蕃茄的葉其實有一種物質,名叫 「tomatine」,可幫助身體減低吸收膽固醇。蕃茄葉也可以增加湯的鮮味,所以在煮湯最後半小時可加數片蕃茄葉。


 罐頭蕃茄要選沒有 「calcium chloride」的,因會令蕃茄變得很難溶化。


Purée of Tomato Soup (Brown Stock Base)

 無鹽奶油 unsalted butter ……………………… 50公克
 煙肉 bacon ……………………………………… 25公克
 洋蔥切粒 onion dice ………………………… 100 公克
 紅蘿蔔切粒 carrot dice ……………………… 80 公克
 西洋芹切粒 celery stalk dice ……………… 60 公克
 蕃茄切粒 tomato dice ……………………… 100 公克
 罐頭蕃茄 canned tomato …………………… 250 公克
 牛骨湯 browned beef stock ………………… 1 公升
 35% 鮮奶油 35% cream …………………… 100毫升
 九層塔 basil ……………………………………… 適量

  百里香 thyme
  月桂葉碎 bay leaves
  奧勒岡草 oregano
  洋芫荽莖 fresh parsley stalks
  碎黑胡椒 cracked black peppercorn …………… 各適量

 1. 於湯鍋中把奶油溶掉後,加入煙肉和蔬菜。中火略煮至洋蔥半誘明。
  Melt butter in a deep pan. Add bacon and vegetables and sweat.
  Add tomato and hot stock. Stir to a simmer and then add the spice bag.
  Cook for an hour. Stir and skim as needed.
  Puree in a blender and pass through a strainer.
  Put the liquid back to the pan and season to taste.
  Garnish with basil cream and serve.